Dear Flo,
We are writing to ask for your help in spreading the word about a new opportunity we have developed for participating in ProCaguama. Building on the success of ProCaguama's internship program, RED Sustainable Travel in partnership with the Grupo Tortuguero de las Californias is offering voluntourism experiential trips for non-academic participants. We have four slots available for two week estancias during the height of the upcoming Proyecto Caguama field season. You can read more here:
Know that the proceeds will go to support Don Victor de la Toba's shoreline strandings survey and will secondarily contribute to financing offshore surveys. As a veteran and or friend of ProCaguama we thought you might know of a professional or student who would enjoy a hands on field experience that will support this important work.
If you or someone you know are interested, please contact RED Sustainable Travel by sending an e-mail to who will gladly provide you all the information you require.
Un abrazo,
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Message 4 of 17