1-the start site over lake geneve. after flying out over the lake to the competition zone we have about 700 meters underneath us for action, which means up tp 8 moves.
2-first of all - you need speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed (up to 150 km/h!)
3-then you go for the moves.
4-like a loop.....
5-or the wingover.
6-this one is a spin, something like a controlled fall (-;
7-one day we had try to land on a raft which is really small, about 5 by 4 meters. since we had to land with a sidewind too it was super difficult.
8-i was a little to fast so tried to get rid of the speed by putting my feet in the water
9, 10- i missed the float by just 3 meters and landed the water - with some style at least...
11-the frogmen got me out from underneath the wing after a few long seconds and brought the gilder back on land to dry it.